Thursday 13 December 2007

Office party

Office party last night. Pleasant enough Portuguese restaurant allegedly frequented by the special one, though he wasn’t there yesterday. Food OK. Fizz, wine and calvados (a personal weakness) plentiful. The firm had booked a caricaturist – a sad reminder of how far from one’s mental image one has become over the years. Where did that fat bald bloke in the mirror come from?

The bash finished about 12.30, despite the best efforts of some of us to continue elsewhere the critical mass was missing so instead a short weave through the drunken crowds back to the flat.

Woke to discover that Comrade Brown will be signing the EU Constitution after all, just not with any cameras to catch the event. Wasn’t there some promise at the last election of a referendum on this? I know I’m hungover but I’m sure there was. Also didn’t some-one say something like “this is a matter of trust between me and the electorate”?

Can’t the Comrades keep any promises?

God, roll on the revolution (or at least the election)

1 comment:

Francesca Preece said...

The comrades are criminals - of course not.

But you were right, drunk or sober, they pledged that but when did they last listen to the public?

I hate to think what my caricature would look like *shudders*