Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Well, having discovered that I actually have a reader I'll post again.
Today I had the misfortune to bring a car into central London. WTF are Thieves for Livingstone (TFL) doing to our city. My journey time has increased by 15 minutes, entirely due to man made congestion. Why is TFL increasing congestion when they promised to reduce it? Why does TFL design roads so as to increase pollution (by slowing traffic to a crawl)? One way to get into their thick heads that slower traffic means more polution would be to calculate the increased carbon emmissions caused by their "road improvements" and make them pay for it personally.
Sadly it'll never happen.
For God' sake Boris - WIN.

1 comment:

Francesca Preece said...

TFL - thieves for Livingstone - simply brilliant! I may have to borrow that now and then, though I will source it :P

BOJO as some call the mayor-in-waiting, is our only chance for combatting this ridiculous congestion crisis - for a start he'll push up right back on our bikes :D